
понедельник, 7 ноября 2016 г.

Войска Британо-Русской бригады в Екатеринбурге, 1919 г.

Уникальные фотографии Британо-Русской бригады в Екатеринбурге и окрестностях в 1919 году.

Войска Британо-Русской бригады в Екатеринбурге 1919 — штаб-квартира Сибирской армии.

Редкий набор из тринадцати старинных фотографий в стиле моментальных снимков Гражданской войны в России (ноябрь 1917 – октябрь 1922), сделанных в Екатеринбурге и его окрестностях около 1919 года, аннотация на английском языке на оборотной стороне от английского солдата под командованием подполковника, впоследствии генерала, Дигби Инглисом Шаттлворт (1876–1948) Британских экспедиционных сил:

A company of the Officers School Ekaterinburg.

Lt Col Shuttlesworth.

Lt Col Noclovitsky 2nd in Command EVs Off (icers) School,
one of the finest Russian officers I've met.

"Special Regt" a coy on parade (Парад предположительно на Сенной площади перед Оровайскими казармами). Слева на горизонте - купола Ново-Тихвинского монастыря, справа - Свято-Троицкая "Рязановская" церковь.

"Special Regt" Muskets. (Что за место?)

Czechs. (Чехи на спортгородке Оровайских казарм).

Siberian Army H.Q. Ekaterinburg. (Физзарядка на площадке позади Оровайских казарм).
Слева на горизонте - Ново-Тихвинский монастырь.

Bolshevik prisoners Ekaterinburg. Кафедральная площадь.
Слева торец дома по Ленина, 27. Справа фрагмент ещё одноэтажного дома Тупикова.

Special Regt" P.T. (Штаб Сибирской армии в нынешней девятой гимназии).

"Special Regt" Bayonet Fighting.

Перевод translate.google.ru.
Благодарность Nath с форума 1723.ru/forums за найденную фотохронику.
Фотокоррекция: ArtOleg


White Army & British in Ekaterinburg 1919 - Siberian Army Headquarters

Rare set of thirteen antique snap shot style photos of the Russian Civil War (November 1917-October 1922), taken in and around Ekaterinburg circa 1919, annoated in English on the reverse by an English soldier under Lieutenant-Colonel, later General, Digby Inglis Shuttleworth (1876 - 1948) of the British Expeditionary Forces:

Left to right:

Lt Col Noclovitsky 2nd in Command EVs Off(icers) School, one of the finest Russian officers I've met
Lt Col Shuttlesworth
"Special Regt" Bayonet Fighting
Siberian Army H.Q. Ekaterinburg
Bolshevik prisoners Ekaterinburg
"Special Regt" P.T.
A company of the Officers School Ekaterinburg
"Special Regt" a coy on parade
"Special Regt" Muskets
Trans Siberian Rail
Czech light armoured train near Raislet
Our wagon lit rather different from the tipluslika's I've been used to"

The Russian Civil War was a multi-party war in the former Russian Empire immediately after the Russian Revolutions of 1917, as many factions vied to determine Russia's political future. The two largest combatant groups were the Red Army, fighting for the Bolshevik form of socialism, and the loosely allied forces known as the White Army, which included diverse interests favoring monarchism, capitalism and alternative forms of socialism, each with democratic and antidemocratic variants. In addition, rival militant socialists and nonideological Green armies fought against both the Bolsheviks and the Whites. Eight foreign nations intervened against the Red Army, notably the Allied Forces and the pro-German armies. The Red Army defeated the White Armed Forces of South Russia in Ukraine and the army led by Admiral Aleksandr Kolchak in Siberia in 1919. The remains of the White forces commanded by Peter Nikolayevich Wrangel were beaten in Crimea and evacuated in late 1920. Lesser battles of the war continued on the periphery for two more years, and minor skirmishes with the remnants of the White forces in the Far East continued well into 1923. Armed national resistance in Central Asia was not completely crushed until 1934. There were an estimated 7,000,000-12,000,000 casualties during the war, mostly civilians. The Russian Civil War has been described by some as the greatest national catastrophe that Europe had yet seen.
